Connecting with God for Life

“I will stay close to you, as I instruct and guide you along the pathway of your life. I will counsel you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide...Come with me.”
– Psalm 32: 8-9
Do you desire more of God?
A more focused and personal relationship with Him?
A deeper experience of His love?
Spiritual Direction
Welcome! My name is Sharon Henderson. There are times in the midst of the fullness of life and its demands that we can become aware of our longing to connect more deeply with God or to experience more of His transforming love and presence. We long to discern and recognize God's voice and guidance in our life, or long for healing and wholeness.
Sometimes we need a quiet, unhurried, safe space to give focused attention to our relationship with God and we need someone who can listen and ask questions that help us be attentive to God's loving presence in our lives. I consider it to be an incredible privilege, as a spiritual director, to come alongside those who are desiring to deepen their abiding life with Christ.